Quickfire Interview: Lower Lands.

Image: Lower Lands/Robert Dumbell

Benji Inkley, Paul Howells, Jacob Jarvis and Sam Girling make up Lower Lands, an alternative rock band from Lincoln who, since forming in 2010, have had a pretty exciting ride. Not only have they shared a stage with the likes of Deaf Havana, but they’ve also recently become signed to I am Mighty Records and released a new single. Now, fresh off supporting Hawthorne Heights on a leg of their UK tour, Tremors caught up with them about the band, what it’s like to tour, and their plans for the rest of the year.

The four guys from Lower Lands stand in a line, facing the camera, and their logo has been imposed above their head.

1.Can you tell me a bit about the band’s past?

We formed at Lincoln college on the music course, made a lot of mistakes, learned from those mistakes and became more of a ‘real’ band.


2.Where did the band’s name come from?

It’s a bastardisation of the name of a local football team ‘Lowlands FC.’


 3.How would you describe your musical style for people that have never listened to you?

Poppy grunge rock for cynical 20-somethings.


 4.Do you write your own lyrics? And if so, why?

Yeah, we all write collaboratively about whatever’s bugging us at the current time or what’s on our minds.


5.Which band or singer would you dream of collaborating with?

Reuben, without a doubt!


 6.How has it been supporting Hawthorne Heights and getting to travel to so many different places?

It’s been great, we love playing shows and the Hawthorne guys made us feel really welcome on the road.


 7.Was it nice to return to familiar ground in Lincoln for your show on Friday?

Yeah, it was really nice to get a good warm, homecoming reception.


8.How did the show go? Did you enjoy it?

It went great, the crowd were really up for a laugh and it was really well attended!


9.Are you currently working on any new music?

We’ve got heaps of new stuff in the works, keep your ears to the ground!


10.What are your plans for the rest of the year?

Write, demo, tour and promote our new single ‘Socialise With Closed Eyes,’ which is out now.

Tremors  featured Socialise With Closed Eyes in this week’s top picks – take a look here. For more info on the band, check out their Facebook, or follow them on Twitter


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